This “Kit Tools” menu belongs to the 2D Game Kit tutorial, not to the editor, you need to report it in the right forums: 2D Game Kit Official Thread
The 2D Game Kit in the Assets Store is probably not up to date and you’ll have to install the proper version of Unity to download it from Unity Hub.
If the proper version of Unity is not installed, the Hub will just stop importing the project but the package is stored into “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store-5.x\Unity Technologies\Project”. You’ll be able to import it in the version of Unity you are using, as long as it is a 2019.2 one. It is best that you use the recommended version of Unity; I couldn’t read the message that mentions it because I wasn’t watching my screen and it didn’t last long enough. You’ll have to be patient, it’s a really big project.
I just did that and Kit Tools is in the menu.