Is it possible to put a tooltip on the following in the GUI:
A texture
A vertical or horizontal slider
With regards to the slider it would be good if the tip only appeared when the mouse was over the thumb.
Is it possible to put a tooltip on the following in the GUI:
A texture
A vertical or horizontal slider
With regards to the slider it would be good if the tip only appeared when the mouse was over the thumb.
Yeah, it is possible… and pretty useful
it would be something like this for a button, and it’s the same for everything else.
var hover : String;
function OnGUI()
if (GUI.Button(Rect(10,10,180,18),GUIContent("New Game", "New Game")))
if(hover=="New Game")
GUI.Label(Rect(10,20,180,18), "start a new game");
Thanks Snake,
I can create hints for buttons and text areas but I don’t know how to do it for sliders and textures. Sliders and textures don’t take GUIContent as an argument and hence I don’t know how to pass in a tooltip, if indeed it is possible. A practical example of how to use tooltips with a slider control would be very useful.
what about Rect.Contains?
let’s say that the slider has this rect Rect (0, 0, 150, 150)…
a code like this one would work.
function Update ()
var rect = Rect (0, 0, 150, 150);
if (rect.Contains(Input.mousePosition))
code taken fron the script reference
it’s not a tooltip thou and according to just taking into account the thumb of the slider hmmm I have no idea right now, but I’ll see if I can figure it out xD xD
good luck