Toon Series [growing content; stylized 3D art]

Hello everyone,

A short introduction to what will (hopefully) be a very large collection of stylized art packages available for the Asset Store:
The first milestone for this endeavor is the creation of an expansive modern world in a stylized look, that should look good both on mobile and PC.

The reasoning behind this decision is that I’ve been searching for a while for 3d art packages for my game that are matching in style, and while there are some amazing opportunities for great prices and really beautiful visuals, I often find myself wanting more content.

So the next step was starting to create said world for myself and to share it on the store too.
Due to the overall very large size and also pricing considerations, the whole world will be split into multiple smaller packages.

For starters I’ve compiled a rough list that contains the content that will be added to the world:

  • Toon Vehicles [Released]. Find it HERE
  • Toon Planes [Released]. Find it HERE
  • Toon City [Released] Find it HERE
  • Toon Racing [Released] Find it HERE
  • Toon Industries [Released] Find it HERE
  • Toon Military Vehicles
  • Toon Military Base

As things progress, items will be added to the list and changes may appear (hopefully influenced by the community).

Note: Every model uses Unity’s free toon shader and it utilizes 2 very small textures (128 px).

TL;DR: A huge, 3D stylized series of packages will be coming soon to the Asset Store!!

Thanks for your interest and as soon as things start to take shape with the next package, I will post more screenshots.

Don’t hesitate to make suggestions, requests or contact me if you have issues with the packs. :sunglasses:


Had a few delays with the Toon City Pack, but it’s back on track and scheduled next week for submission. Until then, here are some screenshots from the almost finished product.


Some progress screenshots from the Toon Racing package. Cars are done, now I’m working on the track building pieces. In a week or so, it should be ready for submission.


This asset is very good, I buy to make games for mobiles. But objects have many vertices.

The assests may have a few more vertices than usual, but they work very well on mobile devices. In performance testing, the slightly larger number of vertices is compensated by the fact that the textures are very small (128x128).
Let me know if I can assist you further.

Hey the toon racing pack looks interessting, do you have any screenshots of the tracks?

I’ve missed this post for some reason, so with due delay, here are some track screenshots (taken from the official screenshots that were submitted with the package).

3257310--251006--5.jpg 3257310--251007--4.jpg 3257310--251008--9.jpg 3257310--251009--15.jpg


Looks awesome!
I have experience with rpg type games mostly, but no experience with racing games/controls, but i think i will have to try/buy this after my current rpg project, because i like the style :smile:

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The cars are rigged?

All the parts that are separated have pivot points at logical positions, but there is no rigging, as I saw no need, given that are so many physics engines on the store.

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Toon Racing has been accepted and can be found here:


Looks awesome! Added to wishlist for future project :slight_smile:

Congrats, love it, especially the track pieces!

Just bought it! :slight_smile:

Added Toon Racing to wishlist and will buy in the future.
Just curious as to wether or not you have plans to expand the tracks to include dirt textures? Like a rallycross style of texture.


Here is a shot of the demo track scene, absolutely gorgeous stuff!!! Love it!!!


Really glad you like it :slight_smile:
And thank for your purchase!

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To be honest, I haven’t thought about it, but it’s a good idea. Maybe something like dirty track pieces and some dirt ramps for the monster trucks too. I’ll look into it and see if I can squeeze it in the first update. :wink:


Maybe with a additional texture to convert the dirt to snow? :smile: (just a idea for a future update)

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A quick update:
Toon Industries is development and, according to the poll on top of the page, I’ve decided to add the trains & railroads in the package. The vehicles are almost done, next come the buildings and props and the railroad items.
Also, after it’s launch, I will update almost all the packs in Toon Series and add additional content where possible.