Top down 2D procedural generation?

Hi im trying to make a procedurally generated top down 2d world and ive seen some videos and tutorials on parts (making maps using perlin noise or i saw a video fro sebastian lague about gave generation and i used that, but my problem is making it into a tile map. All these videos just show putting a texture on a plane or making Gizmos pop up, but i cant seem to figure out how to make it into a tile map

I recommend you just spend some time getting familiar with the tilemap-related API.

First of all, there’s tons of API documentation. Use it, keep it handy, but alone that won’t really be enough.

What I recommend is to make a scene, get some tilemap graphics off of, make a little level by hand, get fully familiar with how each object is configured to make a scene: what is a tilemap? What does it do? where do the tiles go? What goes into a tile? What is a grid? How are layers handled, etc.

Then write some scripts to do trivial things to your hand-created level: add/replace/remove tiles, etc.

Once you can do that, you will have more than enough knowledge to redirect the output of another 2D procgen tutorial to use the tilemaps.

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