Topan Networking Framework: Giving out 5 free copies for testing

Hey, I’m DuxDucis and I’m the creator of Topan. I created Topan because when creating multiplayer games I’d gone through all the networking frameworks I could try, but each one had its flaws and advantages. Most of those had a price that was outside an indie’s range, so I decided to take a step forward and create my own networking framework which would implement the features I’ve always wanted and help other indies on low budget. Anyway, Im thinking about releasing this project to the asset store and I need some people who are willing to test it. Here is a README file of the project so you can take a sneak peek at its features and documentation, so if you want to form part of the beta testing group just PM me, thanks :slight_smile:
1291182–59178–$README.pdf (125 KB)

4 copies left :slight_smile:

2 copies left

Last copy left

All copies gone, thanks for the interest.