

TopDownShooter-ToolKit (TDS-TK) is a an easy to use and flexible Unity game engine coding framework designed for construction of TopDownShooter game. The aim of the toolkit is to allow as many variant of TopDownShooter mechanic as possible. It’s designed with integration of custom asset in mind. The toolkit is written with non-coder in mind so no coding skill is required to use it.

The various level setup in following demo should gives a glimpse of what TDS-TK is capable of. Please note that due to the multiple game rules combination that are supported by the toolkit, the levels in this demo are only some of the setup available. They are designed to showcase the flexibility of the toolkit and to be serve as examples for the user. There are many more possible setup.

>> TDSTK WebDemo <<

All assets seen in the demo are included in the package. Each scene in the demo are available as example scene in the package.

Some notable features of TDS-TK:

  • Emphasize freedom of design, tons of customization option

  • Create and customize unique weapons, abilities, power-ups and special effects

  • Modular approach to level building, support various game mode and level design

  • Build character progression and skill/tech-tree with built in leveling and perk system

  • Easy integration with custom asset

  • Mobile compatible with touch input supported

  • No coding skill required

  • Full C# source code included

  • Still under active development, more feature will be added in the future

If you have any question to like to know about certain things, please don’t hesitate to contact me or post it on the support forum. Here are relevant link and further information to the package.

>> Official Website <<

>> Link To AssetStore <<

quick video overview (please excuse the poor audio quality):

Thanks for reading!!


Wow… congrats on the release. Will definitely pick this up.

Thank you! Your support is much appreciated! :slight_smile:

Are there mobile touch screen controls?

Not at the moment I’m afraid. I’m planning to add that in the near future. :slight_smile:

Hey I recently picked this up, and I’ve been having a play around it’s really awesome I am already a fan of your turn based toolkit so I was right at home with how this one was laid out.

Only issue is, I can’t seem to find how I would add an animated unit in to the game, could you point me in the right direction?

Thanks for your support!

Unfortunately animation is not supported yet at the moment. I plan to add that over the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Ah that does limit things somewhat but I understand, I cannot wait until the next update then, I’ve already had a lot of fun just playing around with all of the possible abilities and guns you can create with this kit, I hope it’s as well supported and updated as much as your other kits!

This toolkit will definitely get as much attention and care from me in term of maintenance and update as any other toolkit I have. There are many interesting new things that I wanted to try out with this one.

Sadly you can’t wait. I’m already working on the touch input and various optimization to make it mobile compatible. Animation will be next. With any luck, this shouldn’t take more than 2 weeks.

Just purchased, will have a good look over the next few days.

Just to let you know on the web demo I could not get the Gauntlet style game to work. The other demos worked perfect.

Thanks a bunch for your custom and your feedback. I’ll get that fixed.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you find any other issue. :slight_smile:

I can confirm even in the kit the gauntlet level doesn’t work from the main menu, and the objective doesn’t actually end the level (loading in to the scene directly rather than using the main menu.) for some reason. So it just kind of stops.

The reason it cant load from main menu is due to some typing error in the script. I somehow got the name of the level wrong >.<. The error is in DemoUIMenu.cs, line39 (I miss-spelled Gauntlet to gaunlet). As for the objective, I’ll need to take a closer look. I’ll let you know when I figure out what’s wrong.

To be clear its the name of the Scene that needs to be changed the actual script is perfectly fine spelling wise, its the scene itself that’s misspelt.

Hello, awesome kit. I just purchased it. I have a request. Could you please make it that the player and ai can move ramps up and down? That would give us a more flexible way to create great levels due obstacles.

Thanks for your purchase and glad you like it. I might add vertical movement one day. However I’m afraid it’s not going to be soon. At the moment I’ve other plans for the toolkit. Plus the base code is written for the game to work on one horizontal plane. It’s going to take some work to add verticality to it.

Ah ok I understand! Do you have a a roadmap of the upcoming features?

Another question. Where is that ability selection menu that you posted in your screenshots? I can’t find it in game.


I don’t really have a fixed roadmap that I stick to. In most case I just work on things keep a list of the possible things I can work on and eventually work on it when I finally have the time. For now I’m working on mobile/touch-screen integration and animation support for the next update. This shouldn’t take too long I think. After that it would probably be some sort of progression system or inventory system. We shall see.

You need to enable it in the UIMainControl in order for it to be available in game. By default, it’s only available in the demo arena level. Basically you bring up an overview of all the weapon and ability available by holding on the tab button.

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Regarding animations, can you enable it so that running backwards or sideways while shooting is allowed? So basically if you move backwards and shoot forwards, the unit can play a distinct run backwards animation?