There are so many ways to do rotations and I am not sure which way to go.
I’m making a hovercraft thing which I need to have its rotation behaving in various ways that need combining.
It needs to:
- Steer left and right relative to local orientation and with some ‘force buildup’ to the steering, to feel more dynamic.
- Banking when turning based on amount of ‘turn velocity’. Maybe cheated?
- Keep aligned with ground but with ideal up vector and overshoot when trying to reach this. I want overshoot only left and right though, not front and back.
- This alignment will be different when close to ground and slopes, than when the ship is free flying when it needs to gradually align to ‘world up’,
And I want a nice a smooth feel with small overshoots though not too big to feel ‘floppy’.
I do have most of this behaviour sort of working but using an unholy mix of rigidbody AddRelativeTorque and direct transform.rotation manipulation.
But I now want to ‘unify’ my behaviour model.
Which way to go? Forces or Quaternions?
Do people mix these much?