torque speeding up when the game is unpaused

I have a rigidbody2D that is meant to rotate. When i press the pause button the timescale is set to 0.0f and everything stops like it is supposed to. But when I unpause the game and timescale goes back to 1, all the objects that should be rotating speed up really fast and then go back to their normal speed after a second. I have also noticed that the longer the game is paused and then unpaused the objects spin much faster.


	public float torque;
	void Update () {
				rb.AddTorque(torque, ForceMode2D.Force);


	public void Pause()
		if(isPaused == false){
		    Time.timeScale = 0.0f;
			isPaused = true;
		}else if(isPaused == true){
			Time.timeScale = 1.0f;
			isPaused = false;

Can someone please help me fix this so that when the game is unpaused, the objects are rotating at the same speed as they were before the pause.

For unity physics and timeScale to work properly you should use FixedUpdate() instead of Update() as Update() is called anyways even if timeScale is 0. As in your case you are adding torque every frame in Update() but ‘timeScale = 0’ prevents unity from calculating physics and drag to lower the torque force.

Try this:

 void Update()
        if (!isPaused)
            rb.AddTorque(torque, ForceMode2D.Force);

Also, note that you are adding ‘torque’ every frame. Either you need to put angular drag to counter this or only add torque when you need to, otherwise it will compound and spin faster and faster.