Total Control - Gameplay Toolkit [Released]

Hi everyone! Andrew here from Pixel and Texel. We just released our latest asset, the Total Control: Gameplay Toolkit. We’d love it if you guys took a look and would welcome and feedback/criticism/thoughts. Additionally, we are hard at work on an update to support all sorts of touch functionality. Thanks!

Webplayer Demo (works best in Firefox, Safari, or IE)
Demo Video
Asset Store Link


  • Swap instantly between first person, third person, overhead, and sidescrolling control schemes.

  • Custom player controller for each control type.

  • Move Settings: Run speed, walk speed, climb speed, gravity velocity change.

  • Dash Settings: Speed, duration, recharge time.

  • Jump Settings: Enable double jump, jump delay, height, air acceleration, falling kludge.

  • Climb Settings: Adjust ladder detach, distance, player distance.

  • Player Effects: Dash effects, double jump effects.

  • Camera Settings: Camera offsets, camera look offset, sensitivity, min/max rotation

  • Edit your character’s movement with a combo controller.

  • Pre-built ladders and moving platforms.

  • Includes sample player character, animations, effects and levels for testing gameplay ideas.

  • Custom HUD to switch between control types.

  • Debug info regarding player movement is displayed in the HUD.

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Is there any documentation or videos out there on replacing the Mecha character with your own? I have tried using the support email but after 3 days no reply.

Hey adiohea. I apologize for missing your email. We don’t have documentation for swapping in your own character, but the process is straightforward:

  • Each level type (Overhead, Sidescrolling, 1st Person, 3rd Person) contains a Player Character. For instance, the Overhead level contains PlayerOverheadCharacter. Inside the Character, is a mecha prefab.
  • Replace the mecha prefab with your own character prefab.
  • Make sure your character prefab points to the PlayerAnimator controller and that the animations inside PlayerAnimator point to your animations (with the same names as the default ones)
  • One caveat: currently the mecha points to several effects (in the top Player Character under Climb Settings). You’ll want to point those to whatever new effects you have, or you could remove the effects by editing the Player script (PlayerIsometricController for instance).


Thanks Andrew!

After having found this asset controller, it seems that is really very good and well done, and love the easy and great way that you can change and swap from one controller to another and change the point of view and camera, and also like very much the demo scene that is very well done and really complex to show all the features and things you can do with this asset

The problem I see and why I have not bought it yet, is because I am using a robot car, and not any character, and it does not have any feet, arms or movement, so I think that maybe I will not be able to use this what seems an excellent controller because may be only is made for based on moving characters, either human or robots with feet and arms, and with mecanim.

I do not have any experience in coding and scripting, so I would not be able to modify the included scripts.

Also do not know if it includes a manual for beginners on how to use it and how to customize it for my own project

Is a pity that this is not more popular, and do not why, as it seems to be very good and interesting

I could pay additionally for the work to make the needed modifications to be used for my purpose and for using a robot car (I have already the scripts for moving the car as I want)

Thanks for any help