Total noob needs to get started with Gear VR

Hi All,

New to Unity and VR, but not software development.

I’m trying to get a simple Gear VR app running on an S6. I am using Unity 5.3.5 and attempting to follow the Oculus page on making RollerBall VR:

I have checked the Player Settings Virtual Reality Enabled checkbox and built and deployed to the S6, but when I tap it it doesn’t launch. I was hoping that it would prompt me to insert the S6 into the headset.

The page refers to setting OVRCameraRig Transform setting but I would have thought I would have had to import the Unity Utilities and add it - which isn’t mentioned.

There’s also a fair bit of conflicting documentation on whether I need to install the Oculus Mobile SDK and I can’t work out the distinction between Native VR and Gear VR.

Any pointers much appreciated.

Sigh - my bad. I had used Cardboad For Gear VR app to disable the Oculus services.

Still, any general pointers on would be appreciated.

Native is all direct code (C++). The other option is Unity which is based on the unity game engine.
Unity and Oculus have gone through quite a few changes in the last 2 years.
Currently in Unity you can simply turn on Virtual Reality and most things are taken care of.
There are some added utilities available but the main Oculus SDK isn’t needed for Unit yVR these days.
Check latest docs on Oculus and Unity sites.

I am not advertising but there is a app/download for android phones that makes any program into google cardboard -

Thanks @scottunity , go0od to know that I am on the right track.
Thanks @poler300 , Trinus VR looks very interesting.

Try my tutorials at: