Totally dissapointed with Unity Online services

We are totaly dissapointed with Unity Online services. We ordered this service to launch a mobile game which supports a nationwide advertising campaign.

Now, its been 3 weeks after we ordered the service:

  • the service is still in demo mode. Live mode is not available after 3 weeks and we can’t switch it on. We were asured by the Unity member on the forum that it will be ready last week but this not happened.
  • the service had major errors, because the limit of max 2 users per room was not working. It had a totally devastating impact on the game, which was not working correctly.
  • there are sometimes very high lags on the server side.
  • the international phone contact line is dead. Nobody is responding.

Maybe you can call one of their offices, according to the phone book the number is “0045 28295763” to the Danish office.

Hi. DM me your unity project ID and email address to reach you at.