I have 3 animations, all of them happend at the same time. I have to put the script in all 3 animations in order to work. I need a touch button to play to 3 animations, the problem is that this script play the 3 animations, touching on the whole screen.
I need to play the animation just in a GUITexture that I have, not the whole screen.
How can I fix that?
function Update () { if(Input.touchCount >= 0) { var touch : Touch = Input.touches[0]; if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) { animation["Play"].speed= 1.0; animation.Play("Play"); ResetAnimation(animation["Play"]); } } } function ResetAnimation(curAnim : AnimationState) { yield WaitForSeconds(curAnim.length); animation.Play("Idle"); }