Touch code

can anyone help me with this:

	for(touch in iPhoneInput.touches)
		if(touch.phase == iPhoneTouchPhase.Began)					
		{	//ignore touches that don't match 1st		
			if (!fingerDown)
				fingerID = touch.fingerId;
				fingerDown = true;
				swipeStart = touch.position;
				swipeEnd = swipeStart;
		if(touch.phase == iPhoneTouchPhase.Moved  touch.fingerId == fingerID) swipeEnd = touch.position;				
       	if(touch.phase == iPhoneTouchPhase.Ended  touch.fingerId == fingerID)
       		fingerDown = false;
       		numOfTaps = touch.tapCount;

occasionally fingerDown gets stuck at true when finger is no longer touching the screen and causes big problems. I’m calling every frame. Would FixedUpdate be better?

I recommend using FixedUpdate for this code.
iPhoneInput also provides the number of touches. You can add a simple check outside of your for loop to see if the number of touches is 0. That way you don’t need to worry about as much about occasionally missing the Ended phase.

running the loop from FixedUpdate still seems to drop occasional event. Maybe it’s not a good approach.

FixedUpdate seems to be much worse for lost events. Gone back to once per frame. I wonder if Unity remote could be involved?

Absolutely unity remote is involved. Input from the device can be laggy or lost since its being sent via wifi to the editor - this will never be representative of the true sensativity of the app once it is built and running on the device.