Touch doesn't work in the DrawLine project...

Hey guys, i took this DrawLine project from:

It works perfectly, but when i build it to android devices, and do the “tap” i get nothing… i don’t know why, the script is has “Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)” so the touch should work. Here is the script (C#).

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class DrawLine : MonoBehaviour 
	private LineRenderer line;
	private bool isMousePressed;
	private List<Vector3> pointsList;
	private Vector3 mousePos;

	// Structure for line points
	struct myLine
		public Vector3 StartPoint;
		public Vector3 EndPoint;
	//	-----------------------------------	
	void Awake()
		// Create line renderer component and set its property
		line = gameObject.AddComponent<LineRenderer>();
		line.material =  new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Additive"));
		line.useWorldSpace = true;	
		isMousePressed = false;
		pointsList = new List<Vector3>();
//		renderer.material.SetTextureOffset(
	//	-----------------------------------	
	void Update () 
		// If mouse button down, remove old line and set its color to green
			isMousePressed = true;
		else if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
			isMousePressed = false;
		// Drawing line when mouse is moving(presses)
			mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
			if (!pointsList.Contains (mousePos)) 
				pointsList.Add (mousePos);
				line.SetVertexCount (pointsList.Count);
				line.SetPosition (pointsList.Count - 1, (Vector3)pointsList [pointsList.Count - 1]);
					isMousePressed = false;
	//	-----------------------------------	
	//  Following method checks is currentLine(line drawn by last two points) collided with line 
	//	-----------------------------------	
	private bool isLineCollide()
		if (pointsList.Count < 2)
			return false;
		int TotalLines = pointsList.Count - 1;
		myLine[] lines = new myLine[TotalLines];
		if (TotalLines > 1) 
			for (int i=0; i<TotalLines; i++) 
				lines _.StartPoint = (Vector3)pointsList *;*_

_ lines .EndPoint = (Vector3)pointsList [i + 1];
* }
for (int i=0; i<TotalLines-1; i++)
myLine currentLine;
currentLine.StartPoint = (Vector3)pointsList [pointsList.Count - 2];
currentLine.EndPoint = (Vector3)pointsList [pointsList.Count - 1];
if (isLinesIntersect (lines , currentLine))
return true;
return false;
// -----------------------------------
// Following method checks whether given two points are same or not*

* // -----------------------------------
private bool checkPoints (Vector3 pointA, Vector3 pointB)
return (pointA.x == pointB.x && pointA.y == pointB.y);
// -----------------------------------
// Following method checks whether given two line intersect or not*

* // -----------------------------------
private bool isLinesIntersect (myLine L1, myLine L2)
if (checkPoints (L1.StartPoint, L2.StartPoint) ||
checkPoints (L1.StartPoint, L2.EndPoint) ||
checkPoints (L1.EndPoint, L2.StartPoint) ||
checkPoints (L1.EndPoint, L2.EndPoint))
return false;*_

* return((Mathf.Max (L1.StartPoint.x, L1.EndPoint.x) >= Mathf.Min (L2.StartPoint.x, L2.EndPoint.x)) &&*
* (Mathf.Max (L2.StartPoint.x, L2.EndPoint.x) >= Mathf.Min (L1.StartPoint.x, L1.EndPoint.x)) &&*
* (Mathf.Max (L1.StartPoint.y, L1.EndPoint.y) >= Mathf.Min (L2.StartPoint.y, L2.EndPoint.y)) &&*
* (Mathf.Max (L2.StartPoint.y, L2.EndPoint.y) >= Mathf.Min (L1.StartPoint.y, L1.EndPoint.y))*
* );*
* }*
Somebody can help me to get the android build work?
Thanks for the help!

convert public the => private LineRenderer line;
and erase this line => line = gameObject.AddComponent();

works for me!