touch GUITexture Help

I need help me with my code, the touch works in the whole screen, not just in the GUItexterure.

function Update () {
    if(Input.touchCount >= 0) {
        var touch : Touch = Input.touches[0];
        if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
            animation["Play"].speed= 1.0;

function ResetAnimation(curAnim : AnimationState)
    yield WaitForSeconds(curAnim.length);

You’re using the Input class, which is specifically for detecting touches on the whole screen and interacting with objects within the scene. GUITextures are not objects in the scene, they’re textures rendered in a separate layer that do not behave the same as regular Game Objects.

Take a look at GUILayer and GUILayer.HitTest, this is specifically for detecting touches on GUITextures.