Touch Sensitive Screen input problem

Hi, so I’m working on a small puzzle game where you need to turn pipes at the right angle to succeed the level and it will be played by kids on a Touch Sensitive Screen that work with a barebone pc. As I said, It will be played by kids so it need to be capable of handling many inputs and here is my problem, for Unity the touches on the screen are like mouse clicks and Unity can manage only one onMouseDown at a time. But it’s work with my button because they use Click listener, so, is there a way I can add the click listener to my pipe gameObject for it to turn when clicking on it even with like 5 or 6 at the same time ?


Instead of handling touches like mouse clicks, are you able to utilise Unity’s touch functions?

If you can, there is a video that shows how to handle multiple touches at the same time - Unity - Multiple Touches on Mobile Device [Input.GetTouch] - YouTube

OKAY Nevermind I did some other test and guess what the unity interpret the touch like a click AND Touch. Guess I’m an idiot lol but thanks for answering me this fast !!