Touch support for Windows standalone + touchscreens?

just “pulse check” - besides various high-tech fiddling with various types of input devices - is the touch support for common Windows standalone on touchscreens still considered?

We use Unity commonly for various exhibition presentations and were quite surprised that touch support for standard Win PC+touchscreen is still missing, even when manual says in general touch support is included…
Of course we consider some third-party workarounds, but it seems illogical…
especially when touchscreens are still more common even on notebooks etc…

Anyway thanks for your effort - and of course lookinkg forward to try its results…:slight_smile:

I’m hoping that some day they integrate the hard work done from @valyard (that also it’s from Unity staff) in Unity core.!/content/7394

@ivank Built-in Unity touch support should work in Windows Standalone (don’t remember exact Unity version, when it started to work), but it should definitely work in 5.3. I doesn’t work in Editor though.

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It means that for example the Unity’s own tutorial Pinch to Zoom works now also for Windows standalone (and not only on mobile - Android etc.)?

That would be great and long long awaited news!

Sorry for asking - I do not have any suitable touchscreen available here to test it right now, but definitely will do asap…