

for registering fingers on touchscreens there are touchPhases like stationary and moved. But moved is only for moving fingers and stationary is only for fingers touching, but not moving.

I need a phase like isOnScreen, which contains moved AND stationary. Do I have to combine both like if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved || Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Stationary ) or is there a simpler sollution?

You could probably not check the phase at all.

Say you have 1 frame of Began then 29 of Stationary/Moved. Ended is just one more frame, so if you count it as an OnScreen, there will just be a 1-frame lag, the 31st frame, before it stops doing whatever. And if they Cancel, that means they fumbled it or something, so who cares what you do for that frame.