I’ve been trying to solve this on my own researching for months but well, all my google links from my innumerous tries of searching are purple because I clicked in all of them several times and I already built more than 20 with different changes but nothing it’s working.
I’m doing a 3D WebGL (starting well ik) “Game” (I’m saying “game” because I want it to be more like a art piece in my website or something) that plays on computer and smartphones both where I already have a playing third person character (thanks to StarterAssetsPack) with my 3D model rigged in Mixamo and I have huge simple ideas to implement and making it like a walk/trip through my imagination but I’m stuck with this bug.
I made an ugly basic menu, then a simple scene where the character has to run to a pyramid with a door where there’s a trigger that changes the scene (the next scene is another menu because I thought I could solve my problem with it), and then another scene whit a labyrinth where I have a simple ai that chases and throws things to the Player. (The sky doing crazy things was a happy error and it also have a pixelated texture)
Everything works fine on the computer browser but when I open the game on my phone the touch controls of the player stop working on the next scene that I’m using them.
My theory is that the game keeps the last touch of the controls from the other scene, because if you press anywhere on the screen with one finger and try to use the joystick, it works, but just if you do that.
Also if you enter the trigger trying to stop touching the screen and letting the character enter with his last step that he does when you stop touching the joystick, the next scene works perfectly.
I don’t know a lot about coding nor unity and like I’ve said I’ve researched a lot and nothing it’s working for me and I have a feeling that the solution it’s stupid but I can’t find it.
Here I link my builds uploaded on Github so you can try for yourselves and if you need any part of the code or any more screenshots just let me know.
I’m new asking for help in this forum.
One with enabled touch controls on computer so you can try with mouse that if you use the touch joystick and enter the trigger in the next scene the touch controls doesn’t work: https://yagomaligne.github.io/2unity6/
Here one with the script that detects if you are on the phone or not if you: https://yagomaligne.github.io/nostatic/
I started using Unity 2022 now I upgraded to Unity6 thinking it would change anything but not, at least keeps working.
Thank you a lot.
Ps: Also another problem I’m having it’s that on mobile the first three buttons (links to my ig, etc. not spam, just in case) on left top doesn’t work but on computer yes.