I have inherited this Unity project. Most of the work has been done, and for the most part its all working. Got a few minor bugs other than this touchscreen issue, but is trying to get them all worked out.
The biggest, most important problem is this touchscreen issue, and is why I am here to see what I can learn. Seems like I'm not the only one with this problem. (Makes me feel a little better LOL ^_~)
Here is a link to a thread I posted to on the unity forums: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/77569-UnityGui-useless-for-touchscreens
I am here to add me name to this list:
Ish having the same issues with a touchscreen.
Working on a mac-mini, elo touchscreen.I got this project handed to me, and this seems the only thing left to do. Get this project to work on this touchscreen.
Only got 4 buttons that move my gameobject, and one for a help panel.
so, ok...after reading this thread, there seems only two options... 1. Get the mouse emulation to work correctly, (cool...how is that done?) or 2. write a plugin / use one of those that are already available for some panels. (where do I find one of these plugins?[and then after finding it, how to use it?])
It would be nice to see some kind of simple example of how this is done, please...
The funny thing I find here, is that when I test this project in Unity, it works fine on the touch screen. The problem occurs when I export the project into the stand alone player... Funny, huh? ^_~
I have been trying to learn unity on the fly here. I normally do flash action script, and html/css. So the java-scripts aren't too awful difficult. There's not been any c# scripts used so far...kindof weak in c# anyway, so good.
I'm not really sure of the questions I need to be asking. I do know this needs to get fixed, as the project has already been delivered in-spite of the bugs. They have been very cool about all this, and I want to fix this for them.
Project runs on a mac-mini with a elo 32 inch touch screen, and software.
Maybe my 4 control buttons, and the 5th menu button should be taken out of the unity GUIStyle thing and placed in a different way?
I admit it...I'ma kindof lost here.
I do feel this bit bears repeating...
The funny thing I find here, is that when I test this project in Unity, it works fine on the touch screen. The problem occurs when I export the project into the stand alone player... Funny, huh? ^_~