Tower Defense tpwers follow player untill i klick

hi there!
I’m into a Tower Defens games now and encountered a problem I do not have a clue how to solve: (.
In my game running around in fps mode and where I press the mouse now “build” my tower. But I want that when I chose my tower as the player must see the tower on the ground 2-3 meters in front of him and it shall be transparant. and then when I press the mouse so must the tower be built on that spot that the player sees the transparent tower.
Here is the code I have now

chosing tower
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class väljtornvidklick : MonoBehaviour {

	public GameObject towerSelector;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
	void Clicked()
		// beräta för tornväljaren att ändra valt torn
		towerSelector.SendMessage ("SetSelectedTower", gameObject);


and here is the script for changing the tower
enter code hereusing UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class tornväljaren : MonoBehaviour {

	public GameObject[] towersIcons;
	public GameObject[] towers;
	public int[] towersCosts;

	public float towerIconRotaionRate = 01.0f;

	private int selectedTower = 0;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () 
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () 
		towersIcons[selectedTower].transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, towerIconRotaionRate * Time.deltaTime);


	public GameObject getSelectedTower()
		return towers[selectedTower];

	public int GetSelectedTowerCost()
		return towersCosts [selectedTower];


	void SetSelectedTower(GameObject inputTower)
		int index = 0;
		foreach (GameObject towerIcon in towersIcons) 
			if (inputTower == towerIcon) 
				selectedTower = index;

And finaly the script for building the towers
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ByggTornVidKlick : MonoBehaviour {

	public tornväljaren towerSelector;
	private Vector3 temp;
	public Camera mainCamera;

	void Clicked(Vector3 position)
		if (!Input.GetButton ("Ctrl")) 
			if ( >= towerSelector.GetSelectedTowerCost ()) {
				GameObject tower = towerSelector.getSelectedTower ();
				Instantiate (tower, position + Vector3.up * 0.5f, tower.transform.rotation); -= towerSelector.GetSelectedTowerCost ();

	void Update () 


is there anyone who can help me?

ill get ya started

//first click shows the transparent object, second builds it, if you click once dobuild 
//becomes true
bool DoBuild;

public GameObject Tower;

void Start()
DoBuild = false;

Void Update()

if(input.getbuttondown("Build Tower")
DoBuild = true;
Dobuild = false;
void ChangeAlpha(GameObject Piece, float Alpha)
Color TempColor = Piece.renderer.material.color;
TempColor.a = Alpha;
Piece.renderer.material.SetColor("_Color", TempColor);
GameObject Transparent;
void ShowTransparent()
Transparent = Instantiate(Tower, player.transform.position + (2 * player.transform.forward), quanternion.identity);
ChangeAlpha(Transparent, .5f);
Transparent.transform.parent = player.transform;

void Build()
ChangeAlpha(Transparent, 1f);
Transparent.transform.parent = null;

this still needs ALOT

it needs the abillity to rotate the tower, needs a collision check to make sure it can be built where it is.

it spawns directly in front of the player without regard for the terrain height that needs solved.

It has many issues but its a good start.