Exact implementation of Wikipedia formula, with the help of a very efficient Binary based PriorityQueue for maximum speed.
This is as simple and fast as it gets.
Exact implementation of Wikipedia formula, with the help of a very efficient Binary based PriorityQueue for maximum speed.
This is as simple and fast as it gets.
Typo? On the asset store it says $25.00.
Okay, then… i said nothing :0 Sorry
I have a system that dynamically creates Vector3 values for all 8 corners of a large cube, thus creating 8 nodes. I will use the nodes as a route to a target object on the other side of the large cube.
Can I assign these custom nodes dynamically to Aubergines AStar Pathfinding, and pass the shortest node route to the AI enemy, which uses it’s own custom Physics movement script? The AI enemy already has a waypoint system set-up to receive Vector3 co-ordinates, and it is able to move in all three dimensions. All I need now is to work out the shortest route and I am hoping Aubergines AStar Pathfinding can help with that.
I’m finding the prospect of pathfinding quite daunting, and would like to know if this is at least possible before I jump in feet first!
the waypoints in this pack is just a generic Vector3 list.
So, if you add your nodes to this list, they will automatically be added to the waypoints to be calculated.
doesnt matter 2d or 3d, it does calculate it.
Package is customizable, and you need some c# knowledge inorder to do so.
Forexample, as default, the connections between nodes is calculated when the scene awakes. If you want to calculate them dynamically, you need to code it to be in update…etc.
Thanks Aubergine. I have no real C# knowledge apart from being able to convert to most basic of scripts, so I guess I will have to look at other solutions. I may yet give it a go depending on what my search finds. Cheers for getting back so quick.
Package updated and released to work with 2017.3 and above versions.