Track multiple target and make sure they are always on screen

So I’m using cinemachine to track multiple target, with target group. But the problem of target group is that it can’t ensure all targets are on screen. Shown in the draft drawing below. When all targets have the same weight/radius, and they are positoned like the drawing illustrated, cinemachine can’t ensure all of them would be on screen. Is there anyway write extension for cinemachine for that feature? Cinemachine is really convenient in many ways, scripting a whole new camera system would be quite time consuming.

Looking forward to any suggestion. Best regards


  1. My targets move quite rapidly on the screen. It’s ok to lose sight of them for a few seconds.
  2. Adjusting weight to ensure them on screen is too unsable.

Target Group is designed to solve exactly the problem you’re describing. I think it’s likely that there’s something not quite right in your setup. Maybe take a peek at this short video and see if perhaps you’ve missed something.

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Hi @marc_tanenbaum , thanks for the reply and sorry for the slow response, the internet over my region isn’t ideal to say the least :smile:

I replicated what the video showed, but the problem actually lies when object change there distance to the camera. Shown in the video I captured below. Is there anyway to solve this? Thank you!.

Try changing Transposer to Framing Transposer and see if that gets you closer to what you want.

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Try also changing the vcam’s Adjustment Mode to Zoom Only. The parallax-related effects make framing tricky when members move a lot in Z.

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