Tracked controller/hand offset

Hi, I am trying to apply an offset to my VR controller/hand along with it’s centre so it can rotate in place. Any current offset behaves like a local direction and rotates the new position around the tracked position causing a curve as shown in the attached image. The gizmo is showing the position of the tracked controller.

The hand needs to stay in the same position as demonstrated in the edited image below.
I tried to add a world offset, but this causes issues when the player themselves turn in their playspace, leaving the hand offset in the original direction.
We thought of using a centre point to determine the angle of the player to apply to the hand, but this breaks when the player turns to look at the centre.
The only other centre point we can use is the HMD, as it is the only tracked position we have with rotation data, but due to this being independant to the body, the hands can break when simply looking to the side.
Does anybody know of a way to offset this hand and keep to the rotation of the player? Thank you.

Can’t you make the hand visual a child of the game object with the pose driver attached? Then you can move it and it will keep the offset

Sorry for the slow reply, I was unexpectedly away for the weekend. This is how the hand was orignally set up which is causing the issue. The hand visual rotates around the centre of the object with the tracked pose driver rather than rotating on its own axis.

I keep coming back to this problem, trying to figure out how to create an offset but still having trouble. Can anybody please help me.
I can try to leave more info if needed.

Just an update,
While we haven’t discovered a way to offset the hand how we wanted, we have found a way to mitigate the issue to a more workable state.

First the problem. As stated, we could not spawn our hands from an offset of the controllers as we needed the hands to spawn locally to keep them on the correct side of the hand when the player turns, but also via world so any independant controller rotation wouldn’t move it wrongly.
So we tried to spawn from a seperate object locally, but use a different point for directional reference.

As no chest is tracked, we could not use that as a pont, as the player can rotate within the playspace we could not use the playspace as a point, which is the same as any point in the scene and as the hmd on its own can look around without the player turning we could not use that as a point. So we had no way to know what way the player was facing as opposed to just looking.

Now for our “solution”.

We placed an empty object (CentreObject) on the hmd that moves slightly with it only when the hmd moves a set distance. This allows the player to move more naturaly with some wiggle room without affecting the CentreObject position, unless they make a larger movement like walking and turning, stabilizing it for use as a centre/direction.
Think of it as though the hmd is dragging the point along with a set length of string.

We then made and empty object (HandObject) that follows the controllers to always look at the CentreObject. This allows us to spawn the hands offset locally from the HandObject, while keeping the players rotation into account thanks to looking at the CentreObject. This means it will always spawn the correct direction dependant on which way the player is facing, but allowing for the controller/hands to rotate independantly at their position.

It still can have a slight oddity to hand position when you move your head enough, but usually outside visible range. This is the closest we have.

I thought I would update “just in case” it helps anyone else, but more importantly, I sense this is an awkward and clumsy solution that could be solved more elegantly if we had the knowhow. So if anybody knows of an easier way to spawn hands from a VR controller’s offset, but keeping its own local rotation seperate to the players full rotation we woud love to hear it.
Hope this has been somewhat understandable.

Thank you.