Tracking likes

I would love to have a list like “Like’s you’ve received” or “Your Content” with “Your Likes”. Does this acutally exist and I missed it? I guess here would be the place to find it, but it’s not there:

I would like to see a “Your Likes” list, because that way it would be easy to collect useful posts for later. I think it would make the liking feature even more useful. :slight_smile:

1 Like

Good idea!
Added it here -


Wow, that was fast! Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

€dit: Just noticed that the date is always June 8 (so today). I don’t really mind that much, just wanted to let you know :slight_smile:

Ah, good catch, thanks!
Should be the date you liked the post now.

Yep, perfect! Thanks a lot, I really appreciate how fast you picked up my idea :slight_smile: