Tracking Reason in ARFoundation with ARKit

Unity Version : 2019.1.6f1
ARFoundation Version : preview.2 - 2.2.0
ARKit Plugin : Preview 5 - 2.1.0
Device iOS : 12.+
XCode Version : 10.2.1

I have been working with ARKit plugin from the BitBucket repo. Just moved to ARFoundation and it’s ARKit plugin. I am working on world tracking & I am able to understand tracking state any point in time, like below

UnityEngine.XR.ARKit.ARKitSessionSubsystem XRSessionSubsystem = (ARKitSessionSubsystem)m_ARSession.subsystem;


However, I would like to know the tracking reason when trackingState is limited

Reference :

From BitBucket Repo :
BitBucket Link

I would highly if you guys could point me to that direction.

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Can someone in Unity Team point me in the right direction?

ARKit Tracking reasons were recently added and should be available in the next release of the ARKit package.

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Thank you.