TrackMania physic in unity

I was looking for how to make a physic who if she has the same parametre she will do the same thing (like trackmania) in unity. So I would like to know how to do it and how this type of physic is called

Start by making a car, then change the forces (don’t forget downforce to make it stick to the ground better). Maybe change gravity as well. It’s just tuning
Unity also got wheel colliders, but never used them myself

Hi I think I was not clear. What I want is not create a game like Trackmania but have a physics behavior like Trackmania on the fact that in the games if you do the same input on the keyboard its will do the same thing in the games.

If it’s not clear enough says me I will try to be clearer

When I looked ip’unity racing ghost’ I got many results on this. Haven’t done it myself however

This is called deterministic physics. Same simulation input → same simulation output.

If you want the simulation to be the exact same in the same machine, given the same input, you can enable “Enhanced determinism” in Unity’s physics options:

Note however this doesn’t guarantee determinism if you perform the same input on different devices/platforms. This is because PhysX (the physics engine used in Unity by default) is not fully deterministic.

kind regards