Transclucent objects baking AO, as if they were opaque?

For some pieces of world geometry, I have “decals” that are being applied to the terrain - basically semi-transparent (achieved through vertex alpha blending) objects that are overlaid on the base geometry to simulate blending of textures:



This works great for its intended purpose, and fits the look I was going for, in realtime lighting.
The problem now is, in wanting to add some ambient occlusion to the scene and baking the lighting - these decals are being treated as if they were on large opaque quad:

Just wondering if there’s any workaround for this? My lightmapper settings are as follows:

It looks like you the decal is set to ‘Contribute GI’, see the Manual: Static GameObjects since it is affecting the baked ambient occlusion. Try disabling this on the decal Mesh Renderer.

Thanks for answering! :slight_smile:

I stumbled upon this in the end.
I don’t suppose it’s possible for a static object to “receive GI” only, without contributing it? (Specifically for ambient occlusion, which I don’t believe light probes provide?).

It is possible to make the object not Contribute GI and have it receive GI from Light Probes. From your screenshots it looks to me like not having AO on the decal will make it look correct.