Transcoding video that is played from url

Hello, i am asking if there’s a way to transcode a video that is played from url , in order to keep the alpha, i really need it for a project and i hope i find a way for it.
Thank you

What you would use to transcode a video depends on what the current encoding is, and what you want to encode it to.

you should look into ffmpeg, it’s probably the most commonly used opensource video encoder/transcoder out there.

it can handle transcoding of streams and re-streaming them as well:
(search for ‘transcoding’ in that page to get to the transcoding of streams section of it)

There are various .net/C# ffmpeg wrapper projects that facilitate calling ffmpeg for you so you don’t have to write the interop yourself. Just google for ‘C# ffmpeg wrapper’ and you’ll find many.

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