Transcripted - Web prototype

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Added some refraction effects to the explosions. Maybe we’ve been a bit heavy handed with it, but for boys used to Flash limitations, it feels good just to be able do these kind of things :smile:

Just wanted to hop by and say the actual ingame art is pretty awesome !
Yeh, my first thought when seeing the game menu was “Oh did I click the right link ?” - but you already mention that in the opening post ^^
Should be really cool to see it all coming together. Hope you keep us updated !

Excellent :slight_smile: Feels like it should be up there witht he PSNetwork games - love the quality/feel :slight_smile:

Bloody brilliant! Hard (because I’m lousy with keyboard commands) but it’s cool as heck.

This is probably by far one of the best looking games I’ve seen on unity. It is simple but beautiful looking. Now just make a custom HUD or GUI for the menu and level selection then it will be perfect.

gorgeus and addictive game to say little
to add to what showoff said, IMO you should just tweak the difficulty progression level by level to make it perfect - in a quick try I saw the step up just from first and second level is too high

Thanks for the comments.

@Acumen : Yeah the front menu really sucks but it’s really not a priority right now. Of course it’ll change in the coming weeks when our GUI system will meet our requirements.

@Justicar :We’re aware that the mouse + keyboard controls can be a bit hard for non hardcore PC gamers. The final version will have a pad control system and a mouse only feature with adapted difficulty settings

@1vo : yeah, the difficulty is not progressive enough and the game is overall way to hardcore. The current prototype is just an (unbalanced) example of what will be the survival / challenge mode. The actual core of the game will be an ‘adventure’ mode with a lot more features, puzzle mechanisms, weapons, opponents, boss and such, introduced very gradually with different difficulty settings.

We’re a very small team so we’re not expecting to finish the full game before October. We will post regular updates to get feedback on the different game mechanics we introduce. Actually, the first boss fight is pretty close to a playable version… maybe somewhere next week.

I can only agree with what’s been said before. Looks great, the colors are really well composed I think. The gameplay is already fun, and has lots of potential with the additions you’ve mentioned.

And here comes the first boss fight ! For now, it’s a level of its own which exists in two difficulty modes. It’s an example of what will be featured in the full game where each boss will require its own strategy to be destroyed.

We implemented scrollable levels for the boss but most of the regular levels will soon be upgraded to larger scrollable versions too. We also noticeably increased the size of the web player window. A lot more space to enjoy far more intense bullets feast ! Next will probably come the brand new weapon system : upgrades, tiny bombs and shiny bullets and lasers all over the place ^^. Or maybe a decent start menu before that, who knows…

On a side note, we’ve finally tested our home-made 2D library used in this game on iOS platforms and it’s doing good ! Unity is great :smile:

Awesome game. First game posted on these forums that I actually spent a bit of time on. Beautiful graphics and the gameplay feels great.

** Added a gameplay video in the first post **

i love the look of this one :slight_smile: reminds me a little of Wizzle [made with udk] only very different and better looking imho… well done

ok, i just played the demo and wow… i take back what i said, nothing like wizzle. Very Cool :slight_smile: [goes off to play again]

After seeing the screenshots, i clicked on the link expecting a geometry wars style clone - but instead i was suprised to find something much more interesting! A shooter-match-three-asteroids-style hybrid game, with great graphics, very nice gameplay and an overall high quality feel to it. Love the music too, very fitting. Well done guys :slight_smile:

Now back to killing that damn boss…

Cool stuff!

Awesome game i really like the mechanics you’ve combined for some interesting yet simple game play that’s very addictive and the graphics are beautiful :smile:

I don’t often find myself playing a game wishing i’d come up with the concept ^^

I really love the environment visual, those shaders… great graphic stuff.

The game looks great! I really need to sit down and learn more about shaders. Does anyone have any good references for working with shaders in Unity? I think there are some tools to use, but I can’t remember what they were.

Great work! Keep the updates coming!

If this is to do with Protein Synthesis, playing this counts as Biology revision, right?

Anyway, great looking/playing game. I’m looking forward to seeing more!