Transferring my pc app to ipad


So we have a full developped pc game, and we want to get it to ipad.
My question is, is it as easy as clicking export for ipad? Or is there a whole process?
This is the game,


Basically yes. However, publishing for the Apple App store is simply a pain in the …

To build your Unity3D application for iOS you need of course:

This is all you need to compile your app into an xcode project.

Now you need of course an Apple developer account. From here you have to follow the long and painful path of Apple’s publishing hell.

See those links for some more information:

ps. Actually publishing on the appstore isn’t that difficult, but it takes a while until you have setup everything in the correct order. If you publish for Android as well you will see the difference. Especially when it comes to updates / changes / restrictions.

As far as I am aware it automatically converts the code to suit it… at least for touching the screen.

The input system will probably need some redoing. Instead of Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) you get Input.Touches[0].phase==TouchPhase.Began (see the Input docs.) That’s not too much work, probably use #if UNITY_IPHONE so you can test on PC and mobile.

The sensitivity may need tweaking. On a PC, a mouse “click” hits the exact pixel and has 0 movement between down and release. On a touch device, you have to allow for a little movement and being somewhat off the target.

You don’t get zoom for free. If you want any 2-finger stuff, you can look for a package (or write more code – kind of fun, if you know how.) But lots of perfectly fine iPad games have none or limited 2-finger support.