Hi all,
I am trying to understand if I can access an armature bone’s tail position in some manner.
My purpose is to follow an armature’s structure to access its tips dynamically (the rigged model has unknown geometry), and I very well know that you can explore the armature transform by transform, but I have not found a way to access a bone’s tail position.
This is very important for my application since the models (two hundred circa) have long tentacle like extrusions of varying number and lengths, and since I need to attach gameobjects to the tips of the “tentacles”, I absolutely need to access the bones tails locations (already thought out of a method, regarding bounds).
The models are properly rigged and I can’t modify them, the “only” problem with them is that the tentacle tips are coincident with their bones tails!
Please help me solve this, since it’s a show stopper right now.