Transform changes when deactivate game object in animation?

Hi everybody. I have problem with my animation. When I set the “isActive”(GameObject.isActive) of a game object false in one state and set it true in the next state, it’s transform changes(it’s scale for x and y becomes 9.29185e-05). Why is this happening ? (I checked the inspector in play mode and transform changed when it was deactivated) More information: 1-When the game object was deactivated at the beginning of the game, it’s transform changed. 2-But when it was active at the beginning and then becomes inactive, it’s transform didn’t change. I think in “1-” situation the game object takes some default values and not those that I set for it in the scene before game starts. Please help me! I’m confused. Thanks a lot.

I understood what has happened. The game object first did some animation(transform changing) and during the animation, it’s parent deactivated it. So at this time the default values for game object’s transform became what it had at that time. Thus when it was activated again, it had the values that it had exactly before deactivating. Other information that I said was just correct at my example(I didn’t explain my example completely so forget it) not in total. Excuse me for my bad English talking.