I updated to 2.5 an suddenly one of my Editor scripts does not work any more.
There is some weirdness and yet unseen error messages when my script tries to change a gameobjects parent. The transform is all messed up, there are errors in set_position, set_parent and overall accessing the transform (Nullreference).
What could cause this?
this is caused in a ExecuteInEditMode Script that raycasts to place the object on the ground below.
I just had the "Unable to create broadphase entity.” error. Not sure what is causing it…. Time.timeScale is currently set to 0 and I had been away from the game for 5 minutes. Hmm…
I am occasionally getting the same error when changing the parent of an object (from editor script). I do not understand why there is any sort of actor initialisation taking place because the object already exists.
Full errors:
Unable to create broadphase entity.
Actor Initialisation failed: returned NULL.
Could not create actor. Maybe you are using too many colliders or rigidbodies in your scene?
I can safely say that there are not many colliders or rigidbodies in my scene. When editing unwanted objects are destroyed using Object.DestroyImmediate as recommended in the documentation.
When this error does rear its ugly head, it recurs until I restart Unity.
Same exact issue as numberkruncher…except I’m doing some dirty dirty things a la mesh instantiating in the editor, so I expect a few errors here and there- just that this one makes zero sense as far as I can see.
Anyone have any luck finding the root cause of this? I’ve been using my editor script for a week-ish now, always yells at me about the meshes, but only recently did the “broadphase…” error start popping up.
I’m starting to get frustrated at a lot of performance issues resulting from my Editor scripts for generating procedural levels. This is the latest bizarre one that’s popped up, and I haven’t really found much help on the others either.