Transform mask in avatar mask not working

I am ticking individual bones in my skeleton using the transform avatar mask. but seeing no change. I am only seeing change in motion through using the body mask. Is transform mask currently bugged?

I’m having the same issue. It appears only ‘Body Mask’ is working and ‘Transform Mask’ is not working if the Avatar type is humanoid. I suspect the ‘Transform Mask’ is just for Generic type. This may be by design, and if so, I wish they would allow the ‘Body Mask’ to have more fine-grained control of the individual joints.

I worked around this by creating a new layer with a blend tree with blend set to .5 and mixing between the 2 motions within the same body part as defined by the body mask. So for instance you could split the ‘Right Arm’ in the body mask into a shoulder and elbow joint by having a blend tree that mixes between the separate animations on the shoulder and elbow. The catch is since the motion is averaged with the blend tree, you must modify your animation to exaggerate the motion beyond the neutral position by 2x or your motion on the 2 parts will look damped by half. This won’t work if you don’t have a way to fix the animations to be exaggerated on the 2 joints you are trying to blend. And it can be a real pain to fix if the motions are complex or you have lots of different animations you are trying to mix.

I think Unity really needs to fix and/or improve this.


I read that you can get more fine-grained control of bones by Scripting with the function AddMixingTransform.

I tryed using a new layer in additive mode, to wich I applied a take with motion only on the desired joints. In some cases I had to use a body mask over that layer to limit IK and root movment (they created some sort of offset).

It worked just fine for my need,that was adding a particular movment, but if you are looking to override any I have found no solutions apart leaving Humanoid method.
I’m hoping for an improvement by the Unity team.