I’m struggling to convert a normal map from tangent space to world space in HLSL in URP.
I have this that works for the rotation, but when the mesh gets away from the origin it stops working properly.
// Data from vertex shader in world space
half3 binormal = i.binormal;
half3 tangent = i.tangent;
half3 worldVertexNormal = i.normal;
float3x3 tangentTransform = float3x3(tangent, binormal, i.normal);
// Normal Map
half4 normalMap = _NormalMap.Sample(sampler_linear_repeat, i.texcoord);
half3 unpackedNormal = UnpackNormal(normalMap);
// Tangent To World
half3 worldNormal = TransformTangentToWorld(unpackedNormal, tangentTransform, true);
Light main = ComputeMainLight(i.worldPos);
half3 lightDir = main.direction;
return saturate(dot(worldNormal, lightDir));
view at the origin:
away from the origin:
What am I missing?