Transform position changes multiplies value by 7.61

So, I have an empty game object. I am instantiating it with a UI element as its parent.
When I try to modify it’s position after that, the Z changes to about -658 when I don’t modify it at all, and the X and the Y go to the correct value but multiplied by around 7.61. I noticed the scale also goes to 7.61 for everything. I am sure this is a bug, so I don’t want to just divide by 7.61 every time, in case the bug isn’t present in the build and breaks the whole thing. Any ideas as to what might be causing this?

Just thinking out loud here but if you’re instantiating an emptyObject as a child to a UI element then the emptyObject should have a RectTransform and not a regular Transform. Are you moving it using the RectTransform.anchoredPosition? UI elements move relative to it’s anchor to it’s parent element.