transform.position error

Hey there. I have a system set up that creates an array of objects that forms a grid. I’m trying to make the grid start on the position of the gameObject that it’s attached to, but I’m having trouble referring to the gameObject. Here’s my code.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GridCreator : MonoBehaviour
	public int width = 10;
  	public int height = 10;
    public Cell[,] cells;
	public GameObject unit;
    public class Cell
		public Vector3 pos;
		public int sizeMod = 1;
        public Cell(int x, int y)
			pos = new Vector3((x*sizeMod)+gameObject.transform.position.x,0,(y*sizeMod)+gameObject.transform.position.y);

	void Awake ()
		cells = new Cell[width, height];
   	    for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
       	    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
               	cells[x,y] = new Cell(x, y);
				GameObject newunit = Instantiate(unit, cells[x,y].pos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

The grid works and instantiates Units correctly if I take the additives (+gameObject.transform.position.x/y) out of the equation here

   pos = new Vector3((x*sizeMod)+gameObject.transform.position.x,0,(y*sizeMod)+gameObject.transform.position.y);

But when I leave them in I get this error

Cannot access a nonstatic member of outer type UnityEngine.Component' via nested type GridCreator.Cell’

Am I trying to access the variable incorrectly? Not sure what I’m doing wrong. Thanks for any help.

The rule causing the problem is that classes can only use things “inside” of them. Cell can’t use globals width or GameObject like a function would be able to, since Cell isn’t really part of GridCreator (some other script could make some cells, but have no gridCreator anywhere in the scene.)

Maybe change the constructor: public Cell(gameObject myBase, float x, float y); Might also move sizeMod up into Grid.

What some people do is have a back pointer, so Cell would have GridCreator mygrid;, set at creation, and could use myGrid.gameObject. But not worth it for just cells.