Hi! I have a problem when using Vector3.Lerp to do my transorf.position .
The concept is that the object will move to a Target X on the x axis and then do other stuff.
So I have:
public float TargetX;
then i have:
var temp = transform.position.x;
if (TargetX == temp)
//Done Moving
ismoving = false;
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (transform.position, new Vector3(TargetX ,transform.position.y,transform.position.z), Time.deltaTime * speed);
The problem is that the if statment “TargetX == temp” is never true because for some reason the transform stop just before the “TargetX”.
For example, if TargetX = 10.00088 , temp only gets to 10.00087.
How can I fix this and make “ismoving = false;” when it reached the target position i want?