I’m writing a basic camera controller. My general approach was to set the camera as a child of a target so that I could work in local space around the target. This is what I have so far.
#pragma strict
var offset : Vector3 = Vector3(0, 2, -3);
var target : GameObject;
var zoomRate : float = 1.0;
function LateUpdate ()
if (transform.parent == null)
AcquireTarget(target, offset); //Calls function to set camera as child of target object
if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0)
transform.position.z -= zoomRate;
if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0)
transform.position.z += zoomRate;
function AcquireTarget(functionTarget : GameObject, functionOffset : Vector3)
transform.parent = functionTarget.transform; //Sets camera as parent of target
transform.position = target.transform.position + functionOffset; // Puts camera behind target
My problem is that when use mouse scroll, both the position.z and the position.x of the camera transform are changing because the camera is not moving on the x-axis in world space. The whole point of setting parenting was to work in local space… so why is changing the transform moving in world space when its a child…