Transform Position?

Is there any way to store a transform position in a prefab, so that when the object is spawned or you put it in a different scene, it always follows the same object? This is the script:

EDIT- I attempted to make it follow the tagged object but I get errors.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class BStandard : MonoBehaviour
    //public Transform playerPos;
    Vector3 chaseVel, chaseDir, chasPos;

    void Start() { chaseVel = new Vector3(10f, 0f, 10f); 
    playerPos = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");}

    void LateUpdate()
        chaseDir = playerPos.position - transform.position;
        Vector3 tmpNormalizedDir = Vector3.Normalize(chaseDir);
        chaseDir = new Vector3(tmpNormalizedDir.x * chaseVel.x, tmpNormalizedDir.y * chaseVel.y, tmpNormalizedDir.z * chaseVel.z);
        chaseDir *= Time.deltaTime;
        this.transform.position += chaseDir;

Give your object to be followed a tag (or put a tag on an empty child object of it). Then in Awake() do a GameObject.FindWithTag and store this in your variable for the object to be followed...