Transform.Rotate with dynamic values


For declaring the initial rotation on objects I’m able to do;

    Model.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler (mARData.RotationX, mARData.RotationY, mARData.RotationZ);

But I’m trying to use something like

 transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime);

Yet using those “mARData.RotationX/Y/Z” values instead of Vector3.Up

However I’m a little stuck, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Try using;

transform.Rotate (Quaternion.Euler (mARData.RotationX, mARData.RotationY, mARData.RotationZ) * Vector3.forward, speed * Time.deltaTime);

This basically takes the Quaternion you used in the first instance and ‘converts it’ into a Vector3, which you can then use in the Rotate () function.