There are two ways to call Transform.RotateAround -
Transform.RotateAround(Vector3 point, Vector3 axis, float angle)
Transform.RotateAround(Vector3 axis, float angle)
The first way is documented in the manual and makes total sense. The second one is a complete mystery that is currently blowing my mind. Anybody have experience with this?
The following of my assumptions have turned out to be false:
- It does not just default to “Vector3 point =”
- It does not just default to “Vector3 point = transfrom.position”
- It does not even call the 3-argument version of Transform.RotateAround. In fact, the 3-argument version of Transform.RotateAround calls the 2-argument version after doing a position calculation.
I’m running out of ideas, and this is blocking me at the moment… I’d love to hear from anyone with any knowledge on this!
Thanks =)