transform.rotation and localRotation automatically reset after rotating.

I was trying to make a camera that’s relative to the character, for a robot combat game like Zone of the Enders, Project Nimbus, Strike Suit Zero/Infinity, etc. and I can’t get rotation/localRotation to work properly.

	float hor = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * smooth;
	float ver = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * smooth;
		target.transform.Rotate(-ver, hor, 0);
		target.transform.Rotate(0, hor, 0);
		target.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(-ver, hor, 0);
		target.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, hor, 0);

The target is a GameObject. The grounding is irrelevant. If I use Rotate, it rotates ‘alright’, but not how I want to. If I use rotation/localRotation, it rotates, but only for 1 frame, then returns to the default position. transform.eulerAngles does the same thing. Even if I make an empty game object that is supposed to just exist and spin something by its local rotation, it will not.

I am pretty new to Unity, not new to coding so it doesn’t make sense to me how this doesn’t work. Please help.

Don’t you love it how you find the answer only after trying to ask someone else?

I’ve made 2 extra floats to add on the mouse movement.
Pretty sure I’ll find out I’ve done something wrong on some other part, but for now…

	float hor_mouse = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
	float ver_mouse = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
	hor += hor_mouse;
	ver += ver_mouse;	
	//testtarget.transform.Rotate(-ver, 2, 0);
	testtarget.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(-ver,hor,0);
