Transform, rotation and scale issues from Blender models

I am facing transform, rotation and scaling issues with my models, when importing them from blender. Here is comparison how they looks like in Blender and Unity

Here is my Blender model.

It contains human mesh and armour piece mesh. I made armour piece as a children of human mesh and adopted that it would fit to human model. Unfortunately in Unity armour peace is somehow moved, rotated and scaled in a very strange way and when I change values in Blender they do not change in Unity for armour peace. How I could solve this?

two things…

#1 - Make sure you “Apply” location, rotation and scale for all your pieces in Blender before importing into Unity.
#2 - When importing your model, the default scale is 0.1. Now 1 Blender unit corresponds pretty much to Unity’s 1 Meter unit. So, if you created your model with real world scale, then change the import scale to 1.0 and hit apply.

It looks like I applied all transform, rotate and scale operations which was performed in object mode. But it does not solve this problem. I tested a bit more. Once I am making that armour piece is not a child of human, everything works like a charm. But if I move it as a child of humanoid mesh, it always messing up. What can it be?

could you upload your .blend file and I cam take a look. Or PM me if you don’t want to share the file publicly.

Oh, I included the link in the first post, but maybe it does not work for you. Try this one:

Oh sorry, I missed the link. Waiting for a hard drive defrag to finish and then I’ll give it a try