Transform Tools

Transform tools is an editor extension designed to make object placement faster and easier.

  • Align and distribute. Easy to use tools to align and distribute game objects. Similar to the tools you can find in Illustrator, Photoshop, Inkscape, and others.
  • Grid arrangement. Arrange objects on a 3D grid.
  • Radial arrangement. Arrange objects in radial patterns such as arcs, circles, ellipses, and spirals.
  • Rearrange. Swap the positions of the selected objects.
  • Position, rotation and scale progression. Incrementally change the scale, rotation, and position values of the selected objects.
  • Randomize transform. Add random values to the position, rotation and scale of each selected object.
  • Center pivot. Center the pivot of 3D objects, sprites and UI objects.
  • Edit pivot. Edit the pivot position and rotation of 3D objects, sprites and UI objects.
  • Place on the surface. Place objects on the closest surface in the direction defined by the user.
  • Simulate gravity. Physics based placing tool.
  • Remove overlapping. Move objects far enough so that they do not overlap.
  • 2D and 3D. All tools can be used on 2D and 3D objects.
  • Runtime functions. Static class for calling methods at run time.


Please post any feedback, suggestions or ask for support or missing features here.

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Sounds good! Any links to this? The one posted goes to another asset?

Thanks for letting me know, I already replaced the link. Check out this teaser video:

Looking very intuitive and thatā€™s good!
For those of us like to dabble and have funā€¦intuitive work is the best.
From what I can see this asset will save lots of time with certain headaches.
Your pivot tool alone looks goodā€¦ appears to be just a simple drag and click to place that pivot.
Anywayā€¦lots of luck with this, and I guess soon a price will appear? Unless Iā€™ve missed it?

Hey, thanks for your kind words. My goal here is to create tools that make life easier for developers, artists and asset integrators. About the price, it will be $14.99.

OK. Iā€™ll keep an eye out for it. Meanwhileā€¦back to work,

Hi excellent tool :slight_smile: One observation, one request!

Observation - it seems that objects need to be at the same level in the hierarchy to align them? e.g. I canā€™t ask a child to align to itā€™s parentā€™s axis (say I want to center a sphere on a cylinder where the cylinder is itā€™s parent).

Request - it would be nice to be able to have an align centres to anchor ā€¦ again, think of the sphere example. Say Iā€™m using a sphere to cap a cylinder with a hemi-sphere. Iā€™d like to snap the sphereā€™s centre to the cylinders end.


Hi, thanks for helping me to improve the tool. Currently, the selection is filtered by the topmost transform, which is useful in some cases. But you are right, sometimes you need to disable the filter so iā€™m going to solve it by adding a toggle. About the request, Iā€™m going to add a popup selection field in which you can select between the object center and the bounding box. It will be in the next version. I hope it will be available before Wednesday next week. It depends on how long the approval of the package takes. Iā€™ll let you know when it is available.


Hey, Version 1.1 is out now. Please check it out and let me know if you have any other request or suggestion.

Hey Hey

Just purchased. Lots to love in this asset.

A few slight modifications, Iā€™ve made:

That Pivot Monobehaviour ā€¦ I know itā€™s a super small anā€™ all, but I have a ā€œzero toleranceā€ policy for Editor Assets that bundle scripts with my builds. Is it really needed anyway? [ rhetorical]

I modified the StartEditingPivot method by removing reference to the Pivot component in the newer-upper. And I deleted the Pivot Monobehaviour.

 var pivot = new GameObject("Pivot");

I found it sufficient to then set the active tool to Move to give me a nice gizmo representation.

Tools.current = Tool.Move;

press ā€˜vā€™ and snap to vertex ! [ you should include in your documentation :wink: ]
No need for other tools; Rotating || scaling a pivot has no consequence.

Also, I moved the Apply && Cancel buttons into the SceneView - closer to where I find them useful.

I plan on extending your wonderful asset with some more functionality related to aligning items relative to Canvas / CameraView / SceneView ā€¦ Let me know if youā€™re interested in looking at any further modifications I make. Youā€™re welcome to use any, should they be agreeable to your senses.

Thanks !

Hey. Thanks for the purchase and I am glad you liked it. I welcome your suggestions and ideas to improve the tool and Iā€™m definitely interested in any comments and requests for new features. I will try to include most of the features you mentioned in the next version. Iā€™ll let you know when itā€™s available.

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Version 1.2 is available now.

  • [Added] Functionality to align items relative to canvas.
  • [Added] Functionality to place objects on surfaces without collider.
  • [Improved] Button size. They are smaller now.


  • [Deleted] Pivot Monobehaviour. Now there are no scripts that bundle with builds.
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Great tool, thank you. The contents of the static TransformTools class would be equally useful to access during runtime. Iā€™ll probably re-work a version of it for personal runtime use. I suggest officially offering runtime support in a later release.

Iā€™m glad you like it and thanks for the suggestion, Iā€™ll keep it in mind for the next version.

Version 1.3 is now available
New Features

  • [Added] Functionality to simulate gravity.
  • [Added] Runtime support.

Awesome! Thank you. There really is no other asset with your collection of options available for use at runtime.

Iā€™ve been using this tool all day and Iā€™m really impressed. Great work!
I love the align tools, and have already benefitted from the Align to Grid tool.

I have a few requests :slight_smile:

1: Is it possible to allow Snap To Surface for objects without a meshfilter? Right now my component-only gameobjects donā€™t snap. I had to make a tiny cube meshfilter, with mesh renderer disabled, before it would snap correctly.

2: Can the Apply these buttons be exposed to Unityā€™s shortcuts? I can see myself assigning common ones to shortcut keys, such as Place On Surface or Randomise Rotation/Scale. Right now the shortcuts simply open up the menu rather than apply the result.

3: Iā€™d love a ā€˜relaxā€™ or ā€˜smoothā€™ feature aimed to even out the position spacing within a selection. This could be done in steps.

  1. With things like Randomise, it would be helpful to have a scale value that could be multiplied over the Apply result. Itā€™s quite fiddly to change six values with decimals when I really just want to change it to 0.2x or 10x the current setting.

  2. With the Circle arrange, could there be an option to make the radius based upon spacing instead? I found myself trying to figure out what the radius would be for 7 x 2m spaced objects.

Congratulations on making such a great tool and Iā€™m excited to see where it goes in the future. I love how cleanly it is integrated and it doesnā€™t fight with basic Unity controls.


Thank you so much for your kind words! Glad to hear that you are taking advantage of what the tool has to offer.
All your requests are excellent Ideas, I will include them in the next version. Iā€™ll let you know when itā€™s available.

Great suggestions.

Thank you! Iā€™m looking forward to using it.