Transform.Translate() coordinates confusion

I’m trying to move a Sphere “down”, i.e. negative in the y-axis, but it goes positive in the z-axis.

I did not change any rotation, and I tried both Space.Self and Space.World.

I also searched for this is here and Google, none of the answers helped me, and I am always having this confusion, so please end this here :slight_smile:

My function is a very basic function like this: (JavaScript)

function Update()
//I tried all of these lines SEPERATELY:

transform.Translate(new Vector3(0,-Time.deltaTime,0)); 
transform.Translate(new Vector3(-Time.deltaTime,0,0)); 
transform.Translate(new Vector3(0,-Time.deltaTime,0),Space.Self); 
transform.Translate(new Vector3(0,-Time.deltaTime,0),Space.World); 

All of these lines cause the sphere move in the positive z-direction.
Any ideas why? and how do I solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Is there something in the options that changes the direction of the z-axis? I don’t know Unity too well yet, but I know that when Maya is used for games we usually need to change ‘up’ to be positive z instead of positive y.

If so, it could be interpreting what you think is a y translate into a z translate.

Try using:

transform.Translate(-Vector3.up * Time.DeltaTime, Space.World);

That should move it in a negative y direction. As for why your other attempts didn’t work, I’m not entirely sure. Another way to do it would be:

transform.Translate(0, -Time.DeltaTime, 0);