TransformDirection and Scale

I’ve made an empty game object that rotates with the keyboard input up to 80 and down to -80 eulers, and attached to it a gun item with a simple script.

Rigidbody2D Bullet = Instantiate(bulletPrefab,transform.position,transform.rotation) as Rigidbody2D;
Bullet.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(new Vector3(shootingSpeed,0,0));

*Since i’m just rescaling the whole character -1 when turning and TransformDirection doesn’t get scaled, i get the effect in the picture: the velocity is set as if i didn’t flip the object.

I’ve tried by multiplying quaternions like this to no avail, most likely because i don’t understand quaternions:

Quaternion bonus = Quaternion.Euler (0,0,180);
Quaternion newrotation = transform.rotation*bonus;
Rigidbody2D Bullet  = Instantiate(bulletPrefab,transform.position,newrotation) as Rigidbody2D;

Any idea?

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Typically I would use Bullet.velocity = transform.rotation * shootingSpeed; to set the velocity.

Otherwise you would use TransformDirection like this:

Bullet.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward) * shootingSpeed;