Transition back to previous active vcam when stopping Cinemachine in Timeline

So, I’m having a base CinemachineFreeLook cam as the character camera, and playing a timeline on awake, I can get it transitioned nicely to the Cinemachine clip in the timeline from the base cam, but if I wanted to stop the timeline from playing depending on the current situation in-game, it will jump-cut back to the base cam instead of a transition.

Here’s a gif for better visualization

In the gif, I’m pressing “a” to stop the timeline around the cam blends in the timeline

public class Test : MonoBehaviour
    public PlayableDirector d;

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKey("a"))

Is there any way of dealing with this kind of situation. If possible, doing manual transition in code when stopping the timeline.

I looked up the forum and saw that CM used SetCameraOverride for overriding the default behavior of CM for Timeline, so is it that ReleaseCameraOverride will ignore the transition somehow?

Thanks in advance!

See answer here: Transition back to previous active vcam when stopping Cinemachine in Timeline