Hey everyone, This is my first post on the Unity3D forum and I’m hoping to get some answers.
I would like to know how the transition is from GameMaker to Unity? I have always been intimidated by with Unity and never felt very confident to start learning it even though its been onstalled on my PC for nearly over a year!
My programming knowledge only consists of GML (Game Maker Language) to a certain extent which is about 2 years of experience. I have only touched Java very slightly since they started teaching it to us at school, which was creating text in the compile window and getting user input for calculations or character counting.
I think my intimidation always came from learning how to use Unity and the programming required to make your objects do certain things. I have heard that the JavaScript () Unity Script) is much easier to use but what about the amount of time and learning to have experience with it? I found myself pick up GML quite quickly.
Please let me know of your opinion Although I do prefer experienced users from Unity and Game Maker and users of both!
Thank you